Every day, over 113,247 formerly constipated folks start their morning with a victory chant...

"Poop, There It Is...
Poop There It Is!"

Sprinkle this magic powder into your morning coffee or tea for "perfect" daily poops... and even release up to 10lbs of stuck poop!

Meet Beveline, the 87-year-old poop prodigy who's about to flip the world of constipation on its head.

This feisty granny was one of the 66 million Americans held hostage by the unholy trinity of gas, bloating, and constipation. 

But after a broken hip surgery left her popping pain pills like they were candy, her once-regular bowel movements decided to take a vacation – without her.

For three agonizing months, Beveline tried every "traditional" solution in the book. Fiber, laxatives, stool softeners... you name it and she's tried it.

But her poop remained as immovable as a politician's stance on a controversial issue 😬

Just when she was about to throw in the towel and accept her fate as a forever-constipated grandma, Beveline stumbled upon a mind-blowing discovery…

A NEW way to make your bowels sing with joy every single morning! 

The secret? 

Adding a little-known, flavorless, easily dissolvable nutrient into your morning coffee or tea! ☕

This simple breakfast hack has already changed the lives of over 113,237 people, helping them… 

I'll reveal the juicy details of Beveline's groundbreaking discovery and why it's causing a storm in the digestion world. 

I'll also…

Because living with constipation is a really 💩 situation...

So I want to bring a little fun and lightheartedness into your life while I show you how to eliminate it forever, starting today.

And while I'm going to crack a few jokes and keep this amusing...

EVERYTHING you read on this page is backed by science from some of the most highly respected, sought-after scientists alive today. 

Not theories that sound great on paper but aren’t true in reality…

Just hard facts backed up by people just like you getting real, tangible results by doing what I’m about to share with you now. Here are just a few of those folks…

That’s only a few of over 113,247 people who enjoy regular, pain-free bowel movements and flatter bellies...

Simply adding this one nutrient to their coffee or tea each morning. 

The good news is that it doesn't just accelerate sluggish bowels naturally...

It also improves your entire digestive system AND turns hard, compact stool into velvety marshmallows...

So you can pass with zero discomfort and an awe-inspiring single swipe of toilet paper, regardless of what you eat.

Now I Understand All This May Sound Unbelievable…

But before you roll your eyes and dismiss this as another "too good to be true" fairytale, hear me out.

Because this one-of-a-kind nutrient has been scientifically proven to work for people battling EVERY kind of constipation…

Even those who have tried every trick in the book and still found themselves in a cage match with their stubborn bowels.

So even if you're more skeptical than a grumpy cat at a dog show, I promise you this is worth a few minutes of your time.

In fact, you'll be delighted to know that it's helping people of all ages…

  • Like 65-year-old Joy who said, “Often I have what I call a Perfectly Perfect Poop, nice 6-7” long smooth log the shape of the colon”…
  • And Pamela who said, “For many years my bowels had been in turmoil with intermittent constipation and diarrhea. I am now “regular” with normal firm (but not hard!) motions. I am 74 years old and now look forward to many more years of a healthy bowel”...
  • And 77-year old Stephen who said, “The next day I had the first normal bowel movement in a very long time”...
  • And 66-year old Janet who said, “I have less bloating and more bowel movements”...
  • And even Gail who said, “I’ve seen really good results and I’ve had ongoing problems all my life 82 years”...

And it’s not just people in pain and discomfort using this nutrient for themselves…

It’s also family members helping loved ones...

  • Like Randel who gave this to his 79-year old uncle and said “he’s pooping almost every day” …
  • And like Jim, who can finally sleep at night knowing his 88-year old mother is no longer a full-time prisoner to laxatives and stool softeners...

Plus it’s even helping people with various health concerns… 

  • Like Sheryl, “I started keto in January 2020. Even though I was losing weight, I still wasn’t pooping like I should. After using this for 30 days, my constipation has gone! I never believed it would happen, but it did.”
  • And like D.M., “I have been dealing with painfully slow bowels and have tried every kind of supplement, fiber, diet, etc you can imagine. For the first time I'm actually regular on a daily basis and my bloating is going down. I'm very hopeful that I will continue to see these results”...
  • And like Debbie, “I have a very slow colon and everything the doctors put me on, nothing worked. Now I go everyday, sometimes 2-3x a day. My Dr. is going to tell his patients about it. I swear by it”...
  • Like Norma, “I have slow motility and at times suffer with constipation. This last bout was especially bad. I have to admit I was skeptical, there has been so much that hasn't worked for me but this stuff is amazing. I won't be without it again. I'm happy to say I have been going consistently since about three days in”...
  • And like Diana, “After abdominal surgery I needed to try something that wouldn’t add to my misery but would assist my healing by making things ‘move’ smoothly! The result is consistency and pain free”...
The best part is it can happen...

  • Without forcing yourself to eat like a rabbit on a bland, joyless diet that makes you question your will to live…
  • WITHOUT gagging on slimy, goop-like psyllium fiber that tastes like a toxic waste spill every single day…
  • And WITHOUT resorting to hazardous, humiliating laxatives, suppositories, or enemas that make you sprint to the porcelain throne faster than Usain Bolt (the fastest man in the world)...

Now before I explain exactly what it is and how to try it for yourself today...

Let me Quickly Introduce Myself...

My name is Dr. Casey Greene and I've spent my entire life and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning how the body works.

First, I got my bachelor's degree in health science and became a certified personal trainer and nutritional consultant. I loved nutrition and got huge satisfaction in helping hundreds of people over nearly a decade...

But I wanted to help even more, so I decided to become a clinical pharmacist.

In total I spent 8 long, intense, expensive years getting my Doctorate of Pharmacy because I truly wanted to help people. I even did a post-doctoral residency working with medical teams to become the best clinical pharmacist possible...

And at the time I believed that was the best path to succeeding.

But once I became a pharmacist, I realized that the "traditional" medicine path wasn't necessarily the best one. I was actually helping people more through nutritional consulting before I became a pharmacist. 

Because while traditional medicine is world-class at DIAGNOSING illness and disease...

Our current medical system is setup to prescribe a dangerous, side-effect-laden pill for any and all problems you have. They don't do nutritional tests. They don't look at how your hormones might be affecting your symptoms. They barely even care about diet and exercise.

In fact if you asked most doctors how to actually heal the SOURCE of the problem you're facing, all you'll get is a blank stare. Because they're LITERALLY not taught how to heal the root source of a problem!

Because if you just think about it for a second...

Instead there is an underlying imbalance CAUSING the symptoms...

And the key to optimal health is as simple as identifying that root cause, and fixing it.

And that's why I spent another several years, and tens of thousands more dollars, becoming certified as a functional medicine practitioner.

It was through this training that I learned the other side of the equation... how to heal the ROOT source of problems.

Because your body is one integrated system, not a collection of independent parts. That means what affects one thing affects another.

And it's the exact same with constipation.

If you're reading this page, it means you obviously aren't going to the bathroom as often as you'd like. And it means something in your body is imbalanced and needs to be corrected in order to go more often.

That's Why You Should Completely AVOID Most Of Today's Most Well-Known Solutions...

One of those is traditional fiber supplements.

Most fiber supplements might claim to be the “fiber kings”, but in reality they’re no more than a court jester - all talk and no action.

They're toxic to your body!

Most contain a common soluble fiber called psyllium.

Psyllium turns into a gel which helps push stool through your intestines.

Unfortunately - psyllium comes with more risks than a blind tightrope walker juggling chainsaws.

For example...

In fact...

Here are the ingredients inside a leading
fiber supplement brand you'd probably recognize...

  • Maltodextrin - Shown to spike blood sugar, kill off healthy gut bacteria, and potentially even cause weight gain...3
  • Citric acid - A preservative often made with GMO ingredients which could make digestive problems WORSE instead of better...4
  • Artificial orange flavor - Chemically produced in a lab with a wide variety of side effects including headaches, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, dizziness, and many more...5
  • Aspartame - Research shows this sweetener increases risk of seizures, headaches, mood swings, ADHD symptoms, dizziness, weight gain, birth defects, and brain fog. Even WORSE is that it turns your healthy gut bacteria TOXIC.6 7
  • Yellow 6 - Food dyes have been shown to cause behavioral changes such as irritability, restlessness, sleeping trouble, hyperactivity, and more. It also contains a known cancer-causing substance called Benzidine...8

Now I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want all those chemicals in my body.

And even if you do decide it’s worth the risk...

It’s still a NIGHTMARE trying to gulp down a large glass filled with a thick, gel-like substance that tastes awful and makes you want to gag 🤢

On top of that, they’re actually missing 2 of 3 crucial elements to enjoy perfect pooping…

Which is why they don’t work for so many people.

So many times people will next try something much stronger...


And as you guessed it...

Laxatives Can Make Constipation WORSE And Should be Avoided At All Costs...

Laxatives work by stimulating your body to poop more…

But they're about as natural as a plastic lawn flamingo and have severe long-term consequences that'll make you wish you never met them.

I like to use products that work WITH my body and help solve the root cause of the problem…

And that's not what laxatives do.

Because instead of giving your body what it needs to help you poop regularly...

They forcefully STOMP on the accelerator like a crazed monkey hopped up on espresso shots.

Your body then gets lazier than a sloth on Xanax and lets the laxatives do all the heavy lifting…

Which requires you to continually increase the dose the longer you use them…

Further increasing your risk of severe complications and creating a dependency that rivals a bad romance novel.

It's like your body becomes a spoiled diva…

Demanding its daily laxative fix or else it'll throw a constipation tantrum.

In fact, doctors at the world-famous Mayo Clinic recently warned…

If you frequently use certain laxatives over a period of weeks or months,
they can decrease your colon’s natural ability to contract and actually
worsen constipation. In severe cases, overuse of laxatives can damage
nerves, muscles and tissues of the large intestine.9 10

And the well-respected Harvard Medical School also warned… 

If you frequently use certain laxatives over a period of weeks or months, they can decrease your colon's natural ability to contract and actually worsen constipation.

In severe cases, overuse of laxatives can damage nerves, muscles and tissues of the large intestine.

Whatever weird analogy you want to use…

The fact is, laxatives should only be for severe cases and short-term use ONLY.

Otherwise you risk making constipation even worse and doing long-term, irreparable damage to your digestive system.

Now you might be thinking...

If None Of Today's "Traditional" Solutions Work... What DOES WOrk?

When it comes to constipation, you've probably tried more solutions than a desperate contestant on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"...

The truth is, these so-called "remedies" are about as effective as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. They might make you feel like you're doing something, but in reality, they're just a band-aid on a shark bite.

If you really want to say goodbye to constipation once and for all, you need to get to the ROOT of the issue.

That’s Why I Want To Explain The REAL Reason Most People's Gut Motility Is Slower Than A Snail Crawling Through Peanut Butter...

The root cause of your pooping woes has to do with something called your "poop speed." 

And no, I'm not talking about how fast you can run to the bathroom after a spicy burrito... 

I'm talking about the speed at which food moves through your digestive tract.

It’s like a high-speed train, but instead of carrying passengers, it's carrying your half-digested lunch.

In other words...

It's a poop train!

And just like a real train, if there are any delays or obstacles along the way, you're going to end up with a backed-up system and a whole lot of discomfort.

Here’s how it works…

First food enters your stomach, where it shows off its best dance moves with some bile and digestive enzymes. They grind everything up into a lovely substance called "chyme," which is basically like a partially digested food smoothie smoothie (yum!).

From there, the chyme hops aboard the intestinal express and zips through your small intestine, where all the good stuff (AKA nutrients) gets absorbed into your bloodstream.

What's left behind is the stuff that your body can't digest, like fiber and bacteria (AKA poop).

This leftover lump of joy then chugs along into your large intestine and colon, where it picks up some water to become the soft, squishy substance we all know and love. 

And finally, it makes its grand exit into the porcelain throne.

But here's the kicker…

It’s the SPEED of this process that decides If Your Bowel Movements Are Smoother Than Silk Or Slower Than A Snail On Sedatives...

You see, your intestines are lined with tiny little nerve endings that create muscular contractions called peristalsis. 

It's like a tiny little dance party in your gut, but instead of doing the macarena, these contractions push your poop along like a conga line.

​“The involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal, creating wave-like movements that push the contents of the canal forward.”11

​But here’s where
the problem comes in…

When the chyme I mentioned above reaches your colon, it’s a tantalizing mix of chunky soup with a side of partially digested food and digestive juices 😋

And depending on how LONG this process takes, your poop can take many different forms.

If it happens too fast, your body can't remove enough water, and you end up poop on a high-speed water slide with no brakes (AKA diarrhea)...

If the process is too slow, your body removes too much water, leaving you with hard, brick-like poop that's tougher to get rid of than your mother-in-law at Thanksgiving dinner (AKA constipation).

PLUS that excess poop backs up in your intestines adding up to 10 pounds to your belly…

Makes you feel and look bloated and unsexy… 

And actually teaches your body to store excess fat.

But if the process is in perfect balance…

Without any interruptions…

You enjoy “perfect poops”...

Like the sausage or snake-like shape shown as #3 or #4 in the chart.

These are the poops that
dreams ​​are made of...

They take just 30-60 seconds…

It's still amazing to me that more doctors don't know about this simple concept.

In fact when it comes to solving it...

NOBODY is really doing it! 

It's literally the entire reason millions of people suffer from constipation...

Yet nobody has come up with a way to fix it naturally.

What's even more crazy is how safe, natural, and EASY it is to fix.

All you need is one single thing...


An Innovative NEW Way
To Enjoy Perfect Poops Daily!

These tiny, nearly invisible strands of plant fibers are like the fairy godmothers of your gut. They work WONDERS for your body, and they're here to grant you the wish of perfect poops every day!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "What are prebiotics and how are they different from probiotics?”

PRObiotics are living bacteria...

They live inside your intestines to break down food, absorb fewer calories, and improve the function of your microbiome. They’re usually found in health supplements or fermented foods like yogurt, pickles, and kimchi. 

PREbiotics are indigestible fibers...

  • They act like an on-demand energy source for your healthy gut bacteria. When they’re abundant your gut bacteria easily flourish. But if you’re low on prebiotics, your probiotics literally starve and die. 

Prebiotics are like the fountain of youth for your gut if you're over 40 and looking to optimize all areas of your health as you age. 

They've been shown to help maintain a healthy digestive system, strengthen your gut lining, boost your immune system, and even support a healthy metabolism (because most of us could stand to lose a few “late-night snacking” love handles!).

Unfortunately prebiotics are harder to find than a needle in a haystack. They're NOT found in popular fiber supplements, and you basically have to eat a raw food diet to get enough of them.

Which is a shame because…

One study showed they can help
You Poop More Than TWICE As Often!12

During one 6-week clinical study, researchers gave participants either a placebo (AKA sugar pill for your gut) or a prebiotic mixture. 

The results were so mind-blowing, you might want to sit down for this (preferably on a toilet)...

Those lucky ducks taking the simple prebiotic saw their bowel frequency increase by up to 129%...

Over TWICE as often.

That's like going from pooping once in a blue moon to pooping every day like a regular human being...

It's a poop miracle!

Plus the prebiotic group also enjoyed…

It's like the prebiotic fairy came down and blessed their digestive systems!

Can you imagine how GOOD you'd feel…

Can you imagine how GOOD you’d feel…

  • To wake up every morning and completely empty your bowels so your stomach feels flatter than a steamrolled pancake…
  • To shed several pounds of “stuck poop” and watch in disbelief as your belly shrinks faster than a snowman in a sauna…
  • And finally feel LIGHT and ENERGETIC as you remove excess poop that’s literally weighing you down like a sumo wrestler on a see-saw…

Plus prebiotics come with a host of other health benefits that will make you want to shout from the rooftops (but maybe not while you're pooping, because that's just weird).


Prebiotics Help You
Maintain A Lean Body
More Effortlessly...

I consider prebiotics to be one of the most underrated weight loss breakthroughs ever discovered.


Well scientists now know that your gut bacteria have 50% more impact on your weight than your own GENES do!

You see, your gut bacteria have a direct line to your brain through something called the "microbiota-gut-brain axis" (MGBA).

It's like a secret phone line that your bacteria use to gossip about you behind your back (rude, right?). They tell your brain what hormones to produce, what emotions to feel, and most importantly, how much fat to store.

But here's the good news: prebiotics are like the ultimate wingman for your gut bacteria. They help the good guys thrive and keep the bad guys in check, so you can enjoy all kinds of amazing weight loss benefits, like...

On top of all that, prebiotics are like a natural laxative on steroids. 

They help you poop more frequently than a bear in the woods…

So you can FULLY empty your bowels and eliminate pounds of excess poop that's been squatting in your intestines like an unwanted houseguest.

This excess poop makes you look and feel bloated and unsexy, like you've swallowed a beach ball. But when you enjoy perfect daily poops, you'll be able to "poop out the bloat" and reveal your true, sexy self.

Most people report losing 3-5lbs quickly as they release stuck poop…

And they report LOOKING 10-15 pounds lighter because all that weight came from their bloated belly!

It's like instant liposuction, without the surgery or the hefty price tag.

So, as you can see, prebiotics are the perfect solution for not only helping you kick occasional constipation to the curb, but also giving you more wiggle room in your diet. You'll never have to feel like a prisoner to your bathroom scale just to look your best.

With prebiotics, you can have your cake and eat it too (and then poop it out with ease). 

It's like having a "get out of jail free" card for your digestive system.

And on top of that…

Prebiotics Are Like An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet For Healthy Gut Bacteria!

They set up a lavish, all-you-can-eat buffet and invite all the good guys to come and feast. And just like any party, the more food there is, the more the guests will multiply and flourish. 

It's like a bacterial baby boom in your belly!

Two of the most popular and well-studied "families" of bacteria are Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. These are the A-listers of the gut world, and whenever you hear about the incredible benefits of a healthy microbiome, chances are these two are stealing the spotlight.

And boy, do these bacteria know how to party!

Healthy gut bacteria have been shown to
directly impact ALL areas of your health, including…

  • Supporting a healthy heart (because even bacteria know the way to your heart is through your stomach)13
  • Boosting energy and helping you feel lighter (like you've got a tiny cheerleading squad in your belly)...14
  • Maintaining positive moods (because happy gut = happy you)15
  • Subduing harsh allergies (like a bouncer at a nightclub, kicking out the troublemakers)...16
  • Helping you maintain a healthy weight (because even bacteria know the importance of a beach bod)17
  • Helping you sleep better (because counting sheep is so last century)18
  • Supporting a healthy immune system (like a tiny army, ready to defend your body against invaders)...19
  • And of course, reducing bloating, gassiness, and general stomach discomfort (because nobody wants a party pooper at their gut shindig)...20

And don’t worry, I don’t expect you to believe me…

Because I don’t know about you, but I make my decisions based not on opinions, but SCIENCE.

And the good news is, SCIENCE shows that…

Prebiotics Boost Your Stomach-Strengthening, Poop-Creating, Belly-Shrinking Healthy Gut Bacteria By Up To 366%!21

In one jaw-dropping European study, scientists discovered that prebiotics didn't just give healthy bacteria a little boost…

They skyrocketed Lactobacilli bacteria by a mind-blowing 344% and Bifidobacteria by an astonishing 366%!

And as I mentioned earlier…

Increased healthy gut bacteria numbers could be the difference between pooping just twice a week and suffering from all the nightmares of constipation…

To enjoying smooth, satisfying, blissful bowel movements every single morning.

Here's how these little gut-savers help you poop like a pro...

  • They break down fibers and other nutrients your body can't digest on its own, like a team of tiny sous chefs in your gut…
  • They fight off bad bacteria that can cause embarrassing diarrhea, like C. difficile (because nobody wants to be known as the "diarrhea person")...
  • They help prevent hemorrhoids, according to researchers at Penn State University (because pooping shouldn't be a literal pain in the butt)...
  • They increase nutrient absorption, which strengthens the muscles around your intestines so they can squeeze harder (like a tiny gut gym, pumping iron for your poops)...

So as you can see...

Prebiotics Put YOU Back In Control Of Your Bowels... And Your Life

They give you the FIBER you need to bulk up your stool and help it glide through
your intestines easily…22

They reduce internal STRESS so your nerves stay calm
and increase how fast
your poop train works…23

And they boost your healthy gut bacteria to further improve your digestion
and increase your train...24

The fact is…

They are the ONLY option for people who are sick and tired of straining and pushing just to finish feeling like you didn’t get it all out...


Getting enough prebiotic fiber
​in your life is practically impossible...

If you want to get enough prebiotic fiber in your diet, you'd better be ready to eat some of the weirdest, most disgusting foods known to mankind.

And if you're not willing to torture your taste buds, well, tough luck!

  1. First up on the menu: raw chicory root. This little gem tastes like a cross between dirt and old coffee grounds.
  2. Next we have raw Jerusalem artichoke. Don't let the fancy name fool you – this is basically a gnarled, knobbly root that looks like it was dug up from the depths of hell. And it tastes about as good as it looks.
  3. If you're feeling adventurous, why not try some raw dandelion greens? They might be great for your gut, but they're also bitter enough to make your face pucker up like a constipated lemon.
  4. And let's not forget raw garlic. Because nothing says "I'm a fun person to be around" like the stench of raw garlic seeping from your pores. Your friends and family will love you for it!
  5. Or you could always try raw onions. Just be prepared for the inevitable tears – both from the onions and from the people around you who have to smell your onion breath.
  6. Maybe you want to gnaw on some raw jicama? It's like chewing on a slightly sweet, crunchy sponge. Delightful!
  7. Next we have raw asparagus. Because it’s just so lovely to gnaw on a woody stalk while being blessed with the aroma of a well-used festival toilet every time you visit the restroom…
  8. And last but not least, we have raw green bananas. Because who needs a ripe, sweet banana when you can have a starchy, chalky one that sticks to your teeth like glue?

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Who in their right mind would eat any of these things raw?" And you're absolutely right. Most sane people wouldn't touch these foods with a ten-foot pole.

But here's the kicker: cooking these foods strips out most of their prebiotic fiber content. So, if you want to get the full gut-boosting benefits, you'd better be ready to chow down on some raw, nasty goodness.

Personally, I'll try just about anything if it's healthy for me. But even I have my limits...

That’s why I decided To Team Up With A Company Called Peak Biome To Fix This Problem Once And For All...

In my two decades of navigating the treacherous waters of the health industry, I've seen some pretty shady stuff. 

That’s why I was so impressed with Peak Biome. 

In an industry where most companies are about as trustworthy as a used car salesman with a fake mustache…

Peak Biome is the unicorn of the supplement world...

That's Why I Teamed Up With The Team At Peak Biome To Create Something The World Had Never Seen Before...

We spent months testing ALL sorts of different combinations of prebiotics.

I was adamant that I wanted it to be…

It took MONTHS to figure out
the right combination…

But we finally did it!

I still remember opening the box and trying out our final formula for the first time.

I got two cups of coffee (one with it, and one without) and
gave my wife a blind taste test…

And she had NO idea which one contained the prebiotic fiber!

She suffered from constipation herself so began taking it that day…

And just TWO days later, was pooping every day on a consistent schedule.

Every poop being smooth, soft and effortless to push out…

Taking just 30-60 seconds each.

In other words, the perfect poop!

So we began telling our friends, who started trying it out…

​And they BEGGED me to make more!

I couldn’t believe how well it worked for so many people.

The results happened FAST, generally within just a few days…

People were pooping better than they ever had…

And word was spreading.

And that's why we've finally decided to make it available to the public.

It’s called Peak BioBoost!

And It's Your VIP Pass To The Daily Poop Party On The Porcelain Throne!

Peak BioBoost is a plant-based powerhouse that ensures every bowel movement is a celebration of regularity and relief. 

You can enjoy a “perfect poop” daily without uncomfortable gas, painful straining, or using half a roll of toilet paper to clean up the stick aftermath.

Plus, it helps you ditch the belly bloat that's been making you look like you've got a food baby.

This four-pronged attack on constipation works like a charm…

  1. It's a masseuse for your intestines, relaxing uptight nerves so everything flows smoothly…
  2. It's an Express Lane for your stool, making sure you never miss your daily appointment with the porcelain throne…
  3. It's a poop whisperer, gently coaxing out stubborn stools for a smooth, complete evacuation daily…
  4. It's a personal trainer for your gut bacteria, turning your gut into a steel fortress…

With Peak BioBoost, you can stop stressing about being backed up tighter than a clam at a seafood restaurant…

You can release 5-20 pounds of poop that's been squatting in your intestines…

And you can dissolve excess bloat and finally rock that sexy stomach you've been dreaming of.

Now having said all that, you might be asking yourself…

What makes
Peak BioBoost So Unique?

There are actually several reasons Peak BioBoost is unlike anything else on the market, but the first reason is something called XOS (Xylo-oligosaccharide)...

The king of prebiotics!

Believe it or not...

XOS has been shown to relieve constipation with a 93% success rate.25

Xylooligosaccharides (XOS)

The great thing about XOS is that it helps strengthen your intestines so they move faster naturally...

So it won’t create a dependency like dangerous laxatives do.

XOS multiplies gut-friendly bacteria called bifidobacteria AND bulks up your stool which…26

  • Helps you poop more regularly by speeding up your intestines...27
  • Softens hard stool so your poops come out quickly and easily with no straining...28
  • Helps fully empty your bowels so your stomach feels lighter and more empty…29
  • Makes wiping faster with less chafing because your poop isn’t sticking anymore...
  • Reduces stomach pain, nausea and discomfort from constipation  because you’re pooping more frequently...

In short, XOS ALONE helps you enjoy the ‘perfect poop’ so you smoothly empty your bowels without pushing, straining, or grunting in 2 minutes or less.

But it gets even better because other studies have shown that...

  • It even works on even the most severe cases without side effects. In one study, a group of pregnant women in their third trimester went from pooping once per week to almost daily...30
  • It works if you’re over 60. Studies with elderly folks revealed that XOS can significantly increase good gut bacteria, soften hard stool, and help you enjoy soft, smooth pleasurable poops, at any age...31
  • It even works on diarrhea. XOS was even shown to be 90% effective at stopping moderate diarrhea...32

So as you can see XOS is truly a rare nutrient and in a class of its own.

But we didn't want to put all our eggs in one basket, (or in this case, all our poop in one chute)…

We wanted to make sure you have the best pooping experience possible every single time.

So when you feel that familiar rumble in your gut…

You can stride confidently to the porcelain throne and do your business easily and quickly.

No more dread, no more fear of what horrors may await you in the bathroom.

With Peak BioBoost, you can actually look forward to your daily dump, and walk away feeling lighter, emptier, and completely relieved.

That's why we've added even more powerful poop-perfecting ingredients to the mix…

4 additional Types Of Prebiotics so you can
finally digest just about anything...

When you supercharge your gut with a variety of prebiotic fibers, you're basically giving your digestive system a suit of armor – a bullet-proof vest for your belly, if you will.

Suddenly, you'll be part of that elite group of people with "strong stomachs," the ones who can eat just about anything without fear of repercussions.

Well prebiotic fibers help YOU enjoy
a stronger stomach so you can…

  • Indulge in your favorite foods without worrying about your stomach staging a revolt…
  • Say goodbye to food sensitivities that have been holding you back…
  • Banish embarrassing gas and bloating, because your digestive system is now a well-oiled machine…

Some people even report a reduction in seasonal allergies because of how prebiotic fiber helps support a healthy immune system!

But to reap these benefits, you need to give your gut bacteria a buffet of prebiotic goodness. That's why Peak BioBoost is packed with THREE other prebiotic powerhouses…


Which helps bulk up your stool and lubricate your digestive system so poop glides through your intestines like water in a clean pipe…33

Acacia Gum

Which contains high amounts of resistant starch to feed beneficial bacteria in your gut, and help manage inflammation and blood sugar. 34 35 36

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

Which has been shown to help speed your intestines, fully empty your bowels, protect your gut from “bad” bacteria, and even promote healthy cholesterol levels...37

We could have stopped there and Peak BioBoost would be an amazing product. After all we’re using the 4 most powerful ingredients for giving you perfect poops.

But there’s one extra ingredient I wanted to make sure we added because it’s been shown to...

Relax intestinal nerves so You Can
Effortlessly Flush Your Bowels Daily

It’s called Magnesium Citrate and it’s like a chill pill for your intestinal nerves, helping to relax them so you can effortlessly flush out stubborn poop on the daily.

Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Magnesium is important for many processes in the body, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.38

Yet because of depleted soil levels and processed foods…

As much as 50% of our population is estimated to be deficient in this crucial mineral!39

But when your body is running low on this essential mineral, your intestinal nerves can get a little uptight, constricting your intestines tighter than a pair of skinny jeans after Thanksgiving dinner. 40

This makes it harder for poop to make its grand exit, leading to the dreaded constipation.41

That's where Peak BioBoost swoops in to save the day. By including magnesium in our formula, we're helping your nerves to relax, allowing poop to flow freely through your intestines like a majestic river.42

And the synergy between these four ingredients and XOS is what makes Peak BioBoost the most effective solution you can buy.

Just these few ingredients immediately begin restocking your good gut bacteria…

So your system is digesting foods better than you have in years including those that typically give you gas.

So you still feel light and energetic even after a big meal…

So every inch of your digestive tract is protected and working hard to increase your natural immunity.

Because the fact is…

Peak BioBoost is the most ADVANCED
and effective solution for enjoying
perfect daily poops…

When I was formulating Peak BioBoost I wanted to make sure it was the most innovative, user-friendly product on the market.

That’s why it only contains…

As you can see, Peak Bioboost is an innovative product that’s revolutionizing the way people think about their pooping habits.

And what makes me even more proud is the fact that...

Peak BioBoost is already transforming
the lives of thousands of people
across the globe...

You’ve already heard my story about how ghost fiber was the ONLY solution that actually improved my digestive problems and changed my pooping habits.

But the truth is people worldwide are reporting amazing results, including doctors like Michelle are now recommending it to their patients...

My #1 Recommended Solution For Private Clients...

Peak BioBoost is my #1 recommended solution I give to my clients who need help staying regular. My clients RAVE about how fast it works and how easy it is to use!

Dr. Michelle Sands,
Licensed naturopathic physician​

  Keeps Me Regular Even As I Get Older...

Each year my digestion seems to get worse and worse. It's incredibly frustrating and keeps me bloated, heavy and lethargic. I've tried all sorts of fibers and nothing really worked for me. I refuse to try enemas and suppositories.

Then I started putting Peak BioBoost in my coffee. I don't even know it's in there yet it gives me a nice, easy bowel movement EVERY single morning!

Brenda Reeves

Peak BioBoost Truly Does Do What It Says!

I am 75 years old and take care of myself as much as possible. But I've had a constant, long time problem with constipation. When I saw that this product can be dissolved in my morning coffee, I was delighted so I ordered it. It dissolves quickly and cleanly with no taste. I enjoy my coffee and do not even know it is there. But, my body knows! Peak BioBoost truly does do what it says!

Nancy Forney

Helped In Just 2 Days...

I tried this because I’ve always been jealous of people who pooped so easily and regularly. The biggest shock to me was how FAST it worked. Just two days in and I was having “perfect poops” every single day after that.

Plus I just put it in my coffee, and can’t taste it whatsoever. I loovvveee how easy it is, how fast it works, and how affordable it is. I’ll now use this everyday!

​Kristen Pizzano

Keeps Me Regular While On Keto

Peak BioBoost is my new favorite supplement to start each day with. I use one scoop in my tea or coffee and enjoy the benefits of increased metabolism in addition to my cravings for sugary, starchy foods being little to none.

As someone that adheres to the Keto lifestyle, I also love that this supplement gives me an extra fiber boost right off the bat that helps keep my digestive system running smoothly. Peak BioBoost has definitely earned a staple spot right next to my coffee pot. I love it so much I actually gave it to my brother, who is now a raving fan as well!

​Lenee Gill

I Now Can Wear Form Fitting Clothing!

I can see the difference in using Peak BioBoost. No more bloating, less gassy, less hungrier during the day, and I do have more frequent poop sessions. I no longer experience cramping, bloating or anything. I even told my mom what I was using.

I no longer take over the counter IBS medicine. I can now wear form fitting clothing! I don't mind it touching my stomach anymore. In fact, I prefer form fitting clothes now, nothing is bulging out or sticking out. This stuff is great!

Evelyn Cunningham

I Forget It’s There By The First Sip

I’ve been taking Peak BioBoost+ Prebiotics for a month and they have tremendously regulated my digestive system. I put one scoop of the product in my morning coffee and forget it’s there by the first sip.

My bowel movements have become consistent and I’m very pleased with the way the product has literally pulled my gut from a rut!

​William Gill

WOW - I Finally Feel Normal Again!

I tried Peak BioBoost three days in a row and WOW. I finally feel normal again. They were all super smooth and easy! Plus I also forgot to take it on day 4 and didn’t poop that day.

Then I started it back up again, and got on a normal schedule. It’s crazy how good it works!

​Allison Carpio

I Love This Stuff...

​​​I’ve tried ALL sorts of things to keep me regular. From colon cleansers… to fiber supplements… everything you could think of. This was the first product I’ve tried that was easy to take on a daily basis, actually worked.

And didn’t make me gag when I took it like most fiber products do. I just put it in my coffee and some of the smoothies I make, and I literally don’t even know it’s there. I love this stuff!

​​​April Watts

I'm Able To Go Normally And Daily...

​​​I have had gut issues for years! I’ve tried lots of supplements, food suggestions, and medicines. Nothing really worked consistently or it worked too fast! I have been using Peak BioBoost fiber powder for almost a month now.

I didn’t notice much until about a week of daily use. And, it wasn’t an emergency to get to the bathroom type of thing. Just being able to go normally and daily. I mix it in hot tea, oatmeal or smoothies. When I want to have it in a cold drink, I blend it with ice in the blender. Otherwise, it doesn’t dissolve all the way. It doesn’t really have any taste, so it’s easy to mix it and forget it. I also have way less bloating since taking Peak BioBoost. Will keep taking it! 

​​​Linda Farrington

So Good To Feel Good And Not Bloated

​​​I have always had trouble pooping. I have taken all sorts of products. Sometimes they worked and then sometimes not. Then there would be bouts of diarrhea. And also gas. Then I saw the add on Facebook and watched the video. It makes perfect sense.

So I took a leap of faith and thought what can it hurt I have tried everything else. It took a couple of days to see results. I was amazed at the results. So good to feel good and not bloated. I use peak BioBoost in my coffee every morning. In a smoothie or just in a bottle of water. There is no taste. So take the leap and try Peak BioBoost you will be amazed.

​​​Catherine Jamieson

Huge Difference In My Bloating And Digestive Track!

​​​I am very satisfied with Peak BioBoost. I have suffered for years with gluten and other food allergies and of course extreme bloating! Since I have been drinking Peak Bio boost in the morning huge difference in my bloating and digestive track!

Thank you so much!

​​​Tamyra Mitchell

My Stools Are Normal And I Don’t Suffer From Any Other Problems.

I’ve been taking peak bio boost for about a month now. Before I knew about this product I suffered from bloating, cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. But after taking this product everything has changed for me.

My stools are normal and don’t suffer anymore with the other problems. I recommend this to anyone that has had these problems because it really works.

Vicky Thrasher

I Will Be A Lifetime User

I have some digestive issues which causes me to be slightly irregular. I also have constant bloating and some foods I avoid altogether due to allergies. I believe I am eating healthy foods which are all-natural and nothing processed. I have been searching for a long time to find something helpful to get me regular.

I have tried many other products but they were only temporary solutions. The help has arrived. This product is great! I have been using it for one month and I will be a lifetime user. Feeling normal and going to the bathroom is so important to me. No more bloating and I look forward to keeping the toxic waste out of my life. Thank You so much, Peak Bioboost.

Kerri Nelson

I Have A Normal Consistent Daily Bowel Movement.

It is working great! I have a normal, consistent, daily bowel movement. I used to only have 1 or 2 bowel movements per week. Now it's daily and I'm also not eating as much with very few cravings. Thanks, Peak Bioboost!

Sharon Shoffner

My Constipation Is Completely Gone!

I started keto in January 2020. Even though I was losing weight, I still had chronic constipation I'd had for 25+ years. Then I discovered BioBoost and Everlean. After using them for 30 days, my constipation is completely gone!

I never believed it would happen, but it did. I am very thankful for these products and will definitely keep using them!

Sheryl Clinton

My Bowels Are No Longer A Constant Source Of Anxiety!

A month after starting Peak BioBoost my life has changed! Having suffered from IBS and Diverticular Disease for many years, my bowels had been in turmoil, with intermittent constipation and extreme diarrhea with loss of control,  making using the toilet a nightmare.

Leakages were a daily occurrence! The change from using Peak BioBoost is amazing. I am now “regular” with normal firm (but not hard!) motions. I move my bowels more than once a day still but without any discomfort and I haven’t had any accidents which is a life-changer! I now feel I could stay in a hotel or overnight with friends without the state of my bowels being a constant source of anxiety! I can’t believe these results; I am happier, healthier, and more confident! A game changer! I have to add, I am 74 years old and now look forward to many more tears of a healthy bowel. The fear of incontinence has gone! Thank you.

Pamela Wade

Now you may have noticed that most people love it for these reasons…

  1. It delivers AMAZING RESULTS even when nothing else hasn’t worked…
  2. It’s EASY to use daily because you never taste it in your coffee or food…
  3. It works FAST showing most people getting results within just a few days...

Which is why I believe this is the best product for helping you finally enjoy a smooth, satisfying perfect poop.

But even though you’ve seen other people try Peak BioBoost and experience the results you’re looking for…

I understand that you still might be feeling a little skeptical.

That’s why I want to quickly show you what separates Peak BioBoost from our competitors.

Because the fact is…

Peak BioBoost Is The Crème De La Crème Of The Pooping World! 

I’ve already shown you the science behind why it works so well…

But as I mentioned earlier, I didn’t want to create just another constipation product…

I wanted to create a product that’s better in every possible way.

We obsess over every tiny detail, leaving no stone unturned in our quest for pooping perfection, including...

  • Foil heat induction-sealed lids that keep humidity levels in check and give Peak BioBoost a shelf life longer than your favorite Twinkies (two years!)...
  • Dry packs inside the bottle to ensure your powder stays as dry as your high school English teacher’s sense of humor and mixes smoother than a jazz pianist's solo…
  • Using specialized versions of each ingredient for maximum results and fully dissolvable mixing...
  • Months of rigorous testing to create a flavorless, clump-free formula that mixes perfectly in seconds (we've spent more time on this than most people spend on their taxes)...
  • Small, fresh batches that haven't been gathering dust in a warehouse since the dawn of time…
  • A GMP-certified manufacturer that quality checks ingredients harder than a bouncer at an exclusive nightclub, so you're always getting exactly what we promise…

Creating a product as mind-blowingly innovative as Peak BioBoost isn't cheap…

But wouldn’t you rather spend an extra couple bucks to get something that ACTUALLY works...

Instead of cheaping out for something that gets you no results?

I think even Scrooge McDuck would agree!

And when you compare Peak BioBoost to our competitors…

It's like comparing a Michelin-starred meal to a gas station hot dog. 

There's just no contest!

Take a gander at this quick comparison featuring two of our competitors (whose names we've withheld to be nice and avoid embarrassment)...

While there are countless reasons Peak BioBoost is in a league of its own, there's one that's got people more excited than a kid on Christmas morning...

Peak BioBoost is PERFECT in your morning
coffee, tea, oatmeal, smoothie…
or dozens of other ways!

Peak BioBoost is like the James Bond of constipation products.

It's suave, sophisticated, and always gets the job done, no matter how tough the mission. 😎💩

Most of our customers simply add a scoop of Peak BioBoost to their morning coffee or tea, and for good reason. 

It's like giving your daily brew a secret agent upgrade – all the bowel-boosting benefits without any of the funny business. Plus, coffee is already known for giving your guts a kick in the pants, so it's a match made in bathroom heaven.

And the best part? Peak BioBoost is as stealthy as a ninja. It's flavorless and dissolves faster than your willpower at a buffet, so you won't even know it's there. It's like having a secret digestive sidekick in your mug.

But hey, we get it – not everyone is a coffee or tea fanatic. Some of you might prefer sipping on a tall glass of water or munching on a bowl of sawdust. No judgment here.

The good news is, Peak BioBoost is as versatile as a Swiss Army knife. You can sneak it into more foods than a picky toddler hiding their veggies. Check out some of these culinary camouflage options:




Protein Drinks


Baked Goods

Pasta Sauces

Mac n Cheese




Protein Drinks


Baked Goods

Pasta Sauces

Mac n Cheese



And MANY more…

The best part is Peak BioBoost gives you (and your entire family) a simple way to enjoy more regular poops...

So you can enjoy less bloating, consistent and regular bowel movements, better gut health, more energy and more.

And while all of this is amazing…

You might be getting a little nervous that it will be too expensive.

The good news is, we’ve figured out a way to make this perfectly affordable to anyone reading this.


I Want To Give You A 50% Discount
When You Order Today...

Peak BioBoost is a godsend for anyone sick and tired of suffering with a sluggish digestive system…

Who simply wants to enjoy perfect, daily poops without harsh laxatives, embarrassing doctor visits or spending money on solutions that flat out don’t work.

In fact, Peak BioBoost is so powerful and effective that word is spreading like wildfire.

We've already transformed the lives of over 100,000 people around the world...

And we've discovered something FASCINATING in that time.

You see, we've discovered that our most loyal, smartest customers aren't just using it for a month and then stopping...

They're using it as part of their new daily lifestyle and transforming not only their bowel movements, but their entire health! Because the fact is that the longer you use Peak BioBoost…

And on top of all that...

I'm Willing To Guarantee That You Enjoy Perfect Poops For The Next 6 Months...
At Up to 40% Off

Well that’s exactly what I’m offering right now because you can now enjoy Peak BioBoost at our biggest-ever discounts.

You’ll see your options below and how you can choose a 1-month, 3-month, or 6-month supply...

But the 6-month supply is my absolute best deal because you pay once and you’re stocked up for the next
6 months.

It gives you...

On top of that...

You Risk NOTHING Due To Our 
6 Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

I want to make sure you’re happy and confident with your order today.

I understand you've probably tried a million things in the past that haven't worked for you...

I understand you might be a little skeptical trying out a new company that you've never purchased from before...

And I understand that ALL you want is real, tangible results so you can enjoy perfect poops daily.

Trust me, I get it!

But I've seen the 100,000+ customers we have and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Peak BioBoost is a breakthrough in digestive health.

That's why I'm confident enough to offer you a 6 month, 100% money-back guarantee.

You either get the results you're looking for, or you don't pay.

It's really as simple as that!

If that sounds like a fair and reasonable deal to you...

Click the "Add To Cart" button on the option below that you want the most, and you'll be taken to our 256-bit, secure online ordering form.

On the order form you can review your order and enter your personal details so we know where to ship
your order.

We’ve also taken extra precautions to protect your information by making this page as secure as ordering from any major online retailer such as Amazon.

This means you can place your order and feel safe knowing your product will arrive on time…

And you can feel secure that your information is fully protected and never shared with any third parties.

So go ahead and place your order below by clicking the "Add To Cart" button and let us know which option is best for you.

Remember, you are protected by our 6 month, 100% money-back guarantee, so you might as well stock up and save money now while we have Peak BioBoost in stock.

Family Pack

3 Bottles One-Time


+ $9.95 U.S. S&H

Add to cart

$1.33 per serving
6 Month Money Back Guarantee


6 Bottles One-Time



Add to cart

$0.99 per serving
6 Month Money Back Guarantee

Starter Pack

1 Bottle

(Click to choose your option)

+ 9.95 U.S. S&H

Add to cart
$1.49 per serving
6 Month Money Back Guarantee

Prefer to order via phone?

Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.

Oh and I almost forgot…

On top of everything we’ve already discussed...

I’d like to give you FREE bonuses when you order today as well!

Bonus # 1

The “Perfect Poops” Cookbook

The Perfect Poops Desserts cookbook has 50+ delicious,
gut-friendly, zero-guilt dessert recipes that…

They’re PERFECT if you’re trying to eat healthier, regardless if you have gut issues or not...

They taste INCREDIBLE …

They’re so EASY that young kids can make them...

Plus they fit nearly any diet you might be following. Inside you’ll find recipes perfect for…

There are even a bunch of Vegan-friendly recipes!

But my FAVORITE part?

Most take just 5-10 minutes to create using common, easy-to-find ingredients.

Inside you’ll enjoy…

Rich, Gooey Brownies...

Walnut Brownies

Congo Bar Blondies

Almond Butter Brownie Bites

Out Of This World Cookies...


Coconut Macaroons

Chocolate Thin Mints

Soft, Moist Cakes & Cupcakes...

Strawberry Shortcakes

Lemon Raspberry Cheesecakes

Black Velvet Cupcakes

Craving-Crushing Chocolate Treats...

Cacao Cookie Dough Bites

Chocolate Donuts

Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Bark

Plus Over A Dozen Other Desserts...

Blueberry No Bake Cheesecake

Lemon Bars

Frozen Berry Yogurt Bark

​Finally enjoy smooth, perfect poops and
get back to living a normal life again...

We’ve gone over a lot on this page today. I’ve revealed...

Now the decision is yours...

You’ve seen all the clinical studies…

All the proof…

All the reasons why giving Peak BioBoost a try is a great ‘risk-free’ decision you’ll feel comfortable making.

So now you’ve got a choice…

Option 1

You can do nothing and give up. Then look back 6 months from now realizing that you could have simply tried something new and finally gotten the results you’ve been looking for...

Option 2

Or you can try Peak BioBoost, risk-free. It’s convenient, effective, and works incredibly fast.
You’ll enjoy “perfect poops” along with less embarrassing gas, less bloating, and even more energy. So you can finally feel confident about your body again.

If you’re tired sucking in your belly to avoid embarrassment at social events…

If you’re tired of that “rock in your stomach” feeling and wish it just felt FLAT again…

And if you want to enjoy healthy digestion and perfect poops daily...

I urge you to claim a risk-free trial of Peak BioBoost today.

Remember, I recommend taking advantage of our 6-container option because it gives you the best deal and the chance to pay once and save $150…

It gives you FREE shipping (a $9.95 value)…

It protects you from future price increases...

It gives you enough Peak BioBoost to last you a while in case we run out…

And it’s risk-free because of our 6 month 100% money-back guarantee.

Here’s to a skinnier, healthier, happier (and sexier) you,

Dr. Casey Greene
In-House Formulator & Nutritional Specialist, PeakBiome

Frequently Asked Questions

How many containers should I order?
What’s unique about Peak BioBoost?
What ingredients are in Peak BioBoost?
What’s the best way to take this product?
How long will it take before I feel the benefits?
Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?
Are there any allergy concerns with this product?
How will this product be shipped to me and how quickly?
Is it safe to order online from your website?